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About Us


             DabolaB Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization incorporated in the state of Georgia. Dabola, Inc. is named after a village called “Dabola Berete” in Northern part of ‘The Republic of Guinea.’ Dabola Berete is found to have people residing in parts of West Africa (i.e. Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Zaire, and etc.) during normal times. Some of these states, however, have had worst civil wars lasting between (10 to 20 years) causing its citizens and immigrants to flee for their lives from the various countries mentioned. These wars had indirect impact on economic conditions of inhabitants of many West African states. As a result, basic living conditions are declining---poor sanitation, food shortages, lack of adequate schools, no healthcare facilities, and etc. The charter commitment of Dabola, Inc. is to help organize communities’ members both in the United States and in Africa to recognize the plight affecting the regions; to mobilize efforts necessary to help the rebuilding efforts.


            Some members of our organization have traveled throughout West Africa and their   first-hand information gathered about the difficult living conditions every where they visited is very similar. They found many broken-down houses, no clinic to serve the sick, children with worst mal-nutrition cases, no adequate school for children; food resources are in scarcity, and etc. They also observed the townships shrinking instead of expanding partly because relatives living in urban cities have stop sending back assistance that use to serve as aids when it was affordable.

            Restoring communities and building a future are the guiding principles of Dabola B, Inc. Hence, Dabola Inc. goal is to assist people afflicted by natural disasters, wars, and poverty by providing needed disaster relief services and then help build viable capacity of these communities. Our aim is to restore dignity by providing the resources to help people get back on their feet gradually.